Well.. yesterday when I was in the washroom, suddenly something strikes my mind so the next minute when I am done with my shower, I immediately create a new blog!!
So from now onward, I will manage 2 blogs.. This and that.
This will be more towards my personal feelings & thoughts whereby that will be more general. In another word, more suitable for public viewing! Let's see how thing works lah!
I have a long list for 2014 and I hope I can achieve them ALL! I know I am greedy but I need to start being greedy now because the wealth of the world is reserved for greedy people! LOL!
If any of you feel like viewing my other blog, you may go to http://whereloveandhopecanbefound.blogspot.com! Dont stop support my blog here and click my ads! I need MONEY MONEY MONEY!
Happy V day!!