After medication, my condition didn't get better. Lousy medicine!
Around 12, when I was in the toilet doing serious business *ehem*.. haha.. Someone knocked at my house door so hard as if he is having something very urgent!
When I came out from the toilet, I asked baby adam who was it. He answered me "I don't know. It's a man. He said "ALLYSSA!"..".. hahahaha.. I was shocked! Kept wondering who could that be?! But when I entered my room, I knew who was it because I saw a poslaju parcel lying on my bed!
I was so happy to receive this parcel because it came all the way from Penang. I'm so touched even until now!! I really didn't expect that she would remember my birthday and actually bought me a birthday gift! THANK YOU SHER! =* muacks muacks!
A sweet card from her!~ *touched*
Like mentioned in the sms, I ♥ your pressie loads. I never tot I will receive such lovely gift from you all the way from Penang to KL! I'm really touched!! Thank you so much hun! *huggies*
I'm turning Twenty.Three in 2days time!! But I'm really very happy cos this year all the pressies come in very early! Thanks for remembering my birthday loves! I love all of you!!
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