Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa is in town!

Posted by babybunny at 4:53 AM
This year Santa visited me a lil earlier, maybe he knew that during Christmas, he will be very very busy :D

After Mae left and we had no manager, life was OK. However, when the new manager joined, the whole business centre became HELL! :(

Therefore, I pray to God each and everyday, hoping that I could get a job elsewhere so I don't need to see that bitch anymore.

God is great, He answered my prayer very fast. On last week Tuesday, I went for an interview. Immediately that day itself, in the evening, I received phone call from the company and they offered me a job! With NO hesitation, I accepted the offer.

The best part is they COMPENSATE QBC!! :)

I handed my resignation letter on Wednesday and my last day was on Friday. Life is really unpredictable and always full of surprises.

On Friday, Esther organized a farewell party for me and it was awesome!! I <3>

This is my lovely Rani Mommie. I'm so gonna miss her ;(

the people in the 2 pichas below, I'm gonna miss them like crazee!

Wish me luck and all the best at my new work place & don't stop clickng my ads!


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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa is in town!

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This year Santa visited me a lil earlier, maybe he knew that during Christmas, he will be very very busy :D

After Mae left and we had no manager, life was OK. However, when the new manager joined, the whole business centre became HELL! :(

Therefore, I pray to God each and everyday, hoping that I could get a job elsewhere so I don't need to see that bitch anymore.

God is great, He answered my prayer very fast. On last week Tuesday, I went for an interview. Immediately that day itself, in the evening, I received phone call from the company and they offered me a job! With NO hesitation, I accepted the offer.

The best part is they COMPENSATE QBC!! :)

I handed my resignation letter on Wednesday and my last day was on Friday. Life is really unpredictable and always full of surprises.

On Friday, Esther organized a farewell party for me and it was awesome!! I <3>

This is my lovely Rani Mommie. I'm so gonna miss her ;(

the people in the 2 pichas below, I'm gonna miss them like crazee!

Wish me luck and all the best at my new work place & don't stop clickng my ads!




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