When was the last time i watched movie? and what is it?
HAHA.. my answer -- Yesterday, MJ's That is it!
Altho i'm not a big fans of MJ and i cant deny that i actually get bored with some parts of the movie, BUT there is another thing that i cant deny and have to admit that MJ is definitely a great, talented pop king! *salute*
Back to my topic. Speaking about 2010, it sounds kinda scary to me cos it seems like the world is going to end in another 3years time. Altho no doubt, living in this world isnt a FUN thing because there are so many things that we need to take care of. But leaving this world so early, is not a good thing tho because there are so many things that i've never tried.
Anyway, if the world really gonna end in 2010, i hope all my family members would be there with me. Baby too was there with me. Oh ya, most importantly, i wished i'm married before the world ends, my life ends. Cos i'm in ♥ with wedding gown, wedding cake, wedding party, honeymoon at Paris......
♥ DIAMOND RING! *blink*

On top of all, i wanna end my life with my parents, my siblings and my husband! *blush* :)
i know i know.. it sounds kinda silly here. But these are all the items in my wishlist. :)

My life would be very complete if all my wishes fulfilled.
How about u, my dear readers?!
Lastly i would like to tell all my loved ones which are my parents, my brothers, my bf, my dearest siao pohs, & those who loved me, I ♥ YOU GUYS!
For my enemies, i shall forgive u for all the sins that you've committed. But since now is only 2009.. SCREW YOU!.. :P
i really wish i could say "i forgive u" and "hope you will forgive me too" but too bad, i CANT! especially this very one. i just seem unable to forget what had happened in the past.
Thats all for now! Tata
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