why did i choose SHORT and not long??
- The weather is freaking HOT here in Msia.
- Short hair would be easier to take care. Long hair abit mafan lor.
- I dont wanna be those typical girls out there
- Baby Lee loves it!
So when i mean i dont wanna be those typical girls out there because everyone had tis mindset that girls should keep long hair and long hair represents feminine, sexy, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, irresistable & etc.
As for short hair, many people perceives it as boyish, unique, modern & more.. this is wat i want..i wanna have something different and BE DIFFERENT.. i'm all these while very different, i act very different from those typical girls out there. i dont like to act cute, act stupid, act innocent, act pitiful, act naive & etc altho i know most of the guys out there actually like girls with such kind of attitude - EGOISM! i dont like to lose, i dont like to speak softly & etc and i'm glad i've found someone who loves me eventho i'm different & "abnormal".. LOL!
a little bit out of topic ya.. i think girls nowadays should be like tis because boys & girls are almost equivalent now. we should know how to protect ourselves, we should learn how to say NO and act according. i'm not saying those girls that loves to fake or in a nicer word, ACT are bad because in another way, they are smart too! cos they know when to ACT to attract the opposite side or to make their bfs happy.. they are smart in a way but these kinds of girls certainly dont share the same channel with me.. :)
i ♥ girls who BE THEMSELVES. they dont impress others by faking out another personality or identity. they just be who they are. these kind of girls, i show 100% respect to them! Just like Mich, Jinny, Jing Pei & Rachel! :)
so back to my topic.. however i think short hair can be sexy, pretty, beautiful & gorgeous too. but people who had such latter thinking would not be those ordinary people i know in my Uni. i once tot short hair is a NO but when rachel told me its GOOD and baby lee told me the same thing again & again, i know its GOOD! :)
i'm still young, i should like give everything a try(things which are legal). takkan when i'm like 40 only i realised tat i should give all these things a try rite?! so whether now.. friends around me like me or dont with short hair, i'm gonna walk in the wind proudly! :)
below are pictures of celebrities in short hair!
one of the desperate housewives

The all time hawt & sexy Rihanna

one of my favorite characters in 90210 - Silver

and this girl shares the same name with me - Alyssa Milano

this is the ME before the haircut - picture taken on Deepavalli
This is the CURRENT ME @ 06112009 with the man that ♥ me no matter how i look and who i am :)
p/s: i wanna thank all of u who click the ads at the sidebar for me!!!!!!!!!! please dont stop clicking each and every time you drop by at missbunnie.blogspot.com k?! because if u stop clicking, i would tot that you guys dont ♥ me anymore :S
so if u all still ♥ me.. CLICK ya!
here's a thank you e-card @ missbunnie.blogspot.com for all my beloved readers! THANKS!
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